Annual Project Data Report Monitoring 

The Manitoba Housing and Renewal Corporation (a Manitoba government crown corporation) has made two forgivable 20-year loans to OGHC for a total of approximately $2.8 million. One loan of approximately $2.1 million supported the construction of the 60-units at 200 Arlington. The second loan of approximately $700,000 supported the construction of the four townhouses on Evanson. If OGHC ensures that 34 of its units are reserved for people who meet provincial income requirements, each month’s loan payment will be forgiven. You can find the loan agreement for 200 Arlington here and the loan agreement for the townhouses here. 

We report on these each year by filing Annual Project Data Report Monitoring Reports with Manitoba Housing. These reports consist of an Excel spreadsheet. You can view a blank one at the bottom of this page. The reports are essentially the same for each year. Changes need to be made to reflect changes in housings charges made to members. The only other changes that need to be made are changes that reflect the departure of a member who qualified for affordable housing and the arrival of a member for affordable housing. The report records the household income of an affordable housing household for the year that the household moved in. This information does not have to be updated each year. There is no requirement to provide household information for households that do not qualify for affordable housing.


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