The following table and three charts show the budgeted and actual OGHC income, expenses, and transfers and surplus from January 1, 2020, to September 30, 2020. OGHC’s net surplus for the period was $43,030.18. You can download a PDF of this document here.
Actual to September 30, 2020 | Budgeted to September 30, 2020 | Variance | Variance % from Budget | |
Total income | $732,126.68 | $729,922.505 | $2,204.18 | .3% |
Total expenses | $656,176.47 | $677,322.25 | $-21,145.78 | 3% |
Total transfers* | $32,920.03 | $32,640.00 | $280.03 | .8% |
Net surplus | $43,030.18 | $19,960.25 | $23,069.93 | 1.2% |
Income: budgeted and actuals to September 30, 2020.
OGHC’s income from January 1, 2020, to September 30, 2020, was $732,126.68. The table below reports income by the three major income categories. For details hover your cursor over each column.
Expenses: budgeted and actuals to September 30, 2020.
OGHC’s expenses from January 1, 2020, to September 30, 2020, were $656,176.47. The table below reports expenses by the five major expense categories. For details hover your cursor over each column.
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Transfers and surplus: budgeted and actuals to September 30, 2020
This table shows the OGHC’s reserve fund transfers and retained earnings. For details hover your cursor over each column.
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