- There is an ASSISTANCE LIST inside the fire panel in the front vestibule. If you usually shelter in place, your name and suite number are on it.
- You must STAY in your suite so the first responders can find you. If you have a balcony, you can go on to it.
- Remind yourself to stay The building has many safety features – you are quite safe while waiting.
- If you discover a fire in your suite or in the building:
- Do NOT try to put the fire out
- CALL 911 and give the address (200 Arlington St)
2. If you hear the fire alarm ringing:
- Put on headphones or use earplugs to cut down the volume of the alarm.
- Wait for your Buddy (and Alternate) to come to your suite. One of them will wait with you until the first responders arrive.
- If you have a dog, your Pet Helper will take it out of the building.
- Get yourself ready to leave the building. Tell your Buddy what you need to take with you:
- mask
- keys
- cell phone
- glasses and hearing aids
- shoes or boots
- a jacket or coat, or a blanket
- walking aids
- medications for the next 48 hours
e. If smoke is coming into your suite, get your Buddy to block the bottom of the door with wet towels.
f. Keep checking your email to see if the ALL CLEAR has been given on the Residents’ Forum.
- If you are temporarily unable to leave your suite
Send a message to the Residents Forum to tell everyone you are staying in the building.
While you are waiting, check your email to see if the all-clear has been given.