During the 150th anniversary of confederation, Canada’s Emerging Co-operators embarked on a social media campaign to profile the diverse and powerful co-operative movement in every region of Canada. By focusing on the personal reasons people choose the co-operative model today, they hoped to document 150 ideas, faces and projects from all kinds of co-operatives in Canada. The stories are being shared on social media using the hashtag #coops150, and promoted on Facebook and Instagram to build public knowledge and understanding of the role co-operatives play in our economy and society.
The most popular 150-word submissions from across the country will be showcased in November, as part of Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada’s official gatherings. As many as 150 co-operative stories from across Canada will also be published as a journal and submitted to Library and Archives Canada.
Manitoba’s role, OGHC contribution
Manitoba Cooperative Association wanted Manitoba’s rich co-operative history to be represented nationally, so they asked Manitoba co-ops to send in testimonials highlighting members’ co-operative experience. As an extra incentive, MCA planned to do a draw from those submitted for a $50 gift card to the co-op of the winner’s choosing.
The timelines were tight and we thought the easiest way to participate might be to use the testimonials that were already provided by our members for our website (with a bit of editing to meet the 150-word limit). With everyone’s permission, 10 of the testimonial stories that are currently on our website were submitted.
OGHC member, Ben Baader participated and his name was drawn for the $50 gift card. He didn’t hesitate to identify Mountain Equipment Co-op as his co-op of choice. You can read all the testimonials, including Ben’s, here.
Thanks to OGHC members who contributed. And we are always looking for more stories for our website, so if you would like to share yours, please send it along with your photo to oldgracehousingcoop@gmail.com with “Testimonial” in the subject line.