Vision, mission, and values of the Old Grace Housing Co-operative


A community where high-quality, affordable and democratically run housing is available to all.


To provide Old Grace Housing Co-operative members with safe, secure, well-maintained, accessible, and affordable homes in a diverse, democratic, and sustainable community.


The Old Grace Housing Co-operative shares the values identified by the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA):

Cooperatives are based on the values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity. In the tradition of their founders, cooperative members believe in the ethical values of honesty, openness, social responsibility and caring for others.

ICA, 1995

The Old Grace Housing Co-operative operates in accordance with the ICA Co-op Principles, as adapted for housing co-ops by the Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada (CHF):

  1. Voluntary and Open Membership

Membership in a housing co-op is open to all who can use the co-op’s services and accept the responsibilities of being a member, without discrimination.

  1. Democratic Member Control

Housing co-ops are controlled by their members. Each member has one vote. Housing co-ops give members the information they need to make good decisions and take part in the life of the co-op.

  1. Members’ Economic Participation

Members contribute financially to the co-op and share in the benefits of membership. The co-op does not pay a return on the members’ shares or deposits. Instead it sets aside reserves for the future and charges the members only what it needs to operate soundly.

  1. Autonomy and Independence

Housing co-ops are independent associations. They follow the laws that apply to them and their agreements with governments or other organizations. But the members control the co-op.

  1. Education, Training and Information

Housing co-ops offer education and training to the members, directors and staff so that everyone can play a full role in the life of the co-op. Housing co-ops find ways to tell the public what they are and what they do.

  1. Co-operation among Co-operatives

By organizing together in federations, housing co-ops grow stronger and help to build a healthy co-op movement. Where they can, housing co-ops use the services of co-op businesses to meet their needs.

  1. Concern for Community

Housing co-ops work to build strong communities inside and outside the co-op. They help to improve the quality of life for others and they take care to protect the environment.



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