OGHC is committed to employing a consensus-based decision-making model. Members have adopted by-laws, occupancy rules, policies, and house rules that outline member rights and responsibilities, and set out expectations for how co-op members can live well and co-operatively together.
The by-laws set out how the co-op functions as an organization. Changes to the by-laws must be approved by the board and the co-op members, and submitted to the Financial Institutions Registration Branch, which administers the Cooperatives Act of Manitoba.
The occupancy rules set out how the co-op functions as a residential community. Changes to the occupancy rules must also be approved by both the board and the co-op members. The occupancy rules include a series of schedules – forms used by the co-op to confirm agreements made with individual members.
Policies have been adopted to address specific issues, and additional policies are under development. A set of House Rules, intended to serve as guidelines governing behaviour, has also been adopted.
Summary of the Occupancy Rules
- Air Quality Protection Policy
- Alterations and Improvements Policy
- Common Room Booking Policy
- Dispute Resolution Policy
- Donations and Loan Policy
- Environmental Sustainability Policy
- Financial Management Policy
- Friends and Members Application Policy
- Guest Suite Booking Policy
- Internet Service Policy
- Key and Access Policy
- Maintenance and Repair Policy
- Parking Policy
- Personal Information Protection Policy
- Pet Policy
- Political Signs Policy
- Principles of Decision Making
- Quiet Hours Policy
- Unit Share Contribution Assistance Policy
- Wait List and Unit Allocation Policy
Committee Terms of Reference
- Finance Committee
- Governance Committee
- Maintenance Committee
- Member Relations Committee
- Membership Committee
- Nominations Committee