Evanson wing takes shape, completion date mid-December

On July 14, the first walls for third wing of Old Grace Housing Co-op went up. This is an historic moment: all three wings of the building are now above ground. Siding is currently being put on the Arlington wing and roof trusses will soon be in place on Preston wing.

Concord Projects now expects that the construction will be completed on December 15, 2017. The expected occupancy date for members will be January 1, 2018.

The 2018 monthly occupancy charges will be set at the 2018 Median Market Rent, as determined by the Manitoba government. This information will be provided to the co-op in the final three months of 2017. We expect they will be very close to the rates suggested in your Offering Statement.

Residents are advised to have back-up plans in the event of further delays in the construction schedule.

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